

2024: “Climate Agendas and Instability. Green Recovery Programs and Policy Change in the EU and US”, Routledge Focus in Comparative Politics, Abingdon (in press)

2022: “Framing Climate Change in the EU and US After the Paris Agreement”, contracted with Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics.

2016: “Debating Europe in National Parliaments: Public Justification and Political Polarization”, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

2005: „Soziales Europa und demokratische Legitimität. Die Institutionalisierung der EU-Sozialpolitik aus demokratietheoretischer Perspektive“, Nomos, Baden-Baden.


2017 (with Sabine Lang and Joyce Mushaben): “German Unification as a Catalyst of Change: Linking the domestic and external dimension”, Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 26/4

2006 (with Ellen Vos): “Food Safety Regulation in Europe: A Comparative Institutional Analysis”, Ius Commune Book Series, Intersentia, Antwerp.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

2023: “The European Green Deal Agenda After the Attack on Ukraine: Exogenous Shock Meets Policy‐Making Stability; in: Politics and Governance (included in forthcoming Special Issue: Governing the EU in the Polycrisis”), Open Access

2023 (with Achim Hurrelmann): “How does politicisation affect the ratification of mixed EU trade agreements? The case of CETA”; Journal of European Public Policy, Special Issue: Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy. Guest Editors: Dirk De Bièvre, Andreas Dür and Scott Hamilton;, link here

2022 (with Achim Hurrelmann): “Discursive postfunctionalism: theorizing the interface between EU politicization and policy-making”, Journal of European Integration, published 3 March 2022,; Link here

2021: “Contesting the European Union in a Changing Climate: Policy narratives and the justification of supranational governance”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, DOI:; Link here

2020: “Framing Climate Change in the European Parliament: Political Contestation, Issue Dimensions, and Legislative Decision-Making”, Paper for the ECPR General Conference, revised version under review.

2019: The European Parliament as an Arena and Agent in the Politics of Climate Change: Comparing the External and Internal Dimension; in: Politics and Governance, Special Issue: Out of the Shadows, Into the Limelight: Parliaments and Politicisation (Volume 7, Issue 3 – Open Access)

2018: “Grand Coalition Policy meets the EU’s Multiple Crises. Stability Discourse versus Party Politics”, in: German Politics, DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2018.1555243

2017 (with Sabine Lang and Joyce Mushaben): “German Unification as a Catalyst of Social and Political Change: Introduction”, in: German Politics, Vol. 26/4, 443-56

2017: “Re-Calibrating Germany’s Role in Europe: Framing Leadership as Responsibility”, in: Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 26/4, 574-90

2014: “Justification and political polarization in national parliamentary debates on EU Treaty Reform”, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21/4, 549-67

2014: “End of Consensus? The European leadership discourse of the second Merkel government during the Eurozone crisis and its contestation in debates of the Bundestag (2009-13)”, in: German Politics, Vol. 23/4, 446-459

2013: “Challenging Domestic Politics? European Debates of National Parliaments in France, Germany, and the UK”, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 35/7, 801-18

2012: „Die Politisierung von Rechtfertigungen der europäischen Integration. Nationale Parlamentsdebatten zur Reform der EU-Verträge im Deutschen Bundestag und dem britischen House of Commons“, in: Leviathan (Special Issue 27/2012), 190-208

2011: “Contesting Europe, or Germany`s place in Europe? European integration and the EU Policies of the Grand Coalition Government in the Mirror of Parliamentary Debates in the Bundestag”, in: German Politics, Vol. 20/4, 486-505

2011: “Die Politisierung der europäischen Integration: Nationale Parlamentsdebatten zur Europäischen Union im Bundestag und House of Commons” in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 2/2011, 307-25

2007: (with Susana Borrás und Charalampos Koutalakis): „Independent European agencies in the Post-Delegation Phase: Stakeholder Participation and Credible Procedures“, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 29/5, 583-600

2004: “The Paradoxical Effects of Institutional Change for the Legitimacy of European Governance: the Case of EU Social Policy”, in: European Integration Online Papers, Vol. 8 (2004) N° 7.

2002: „Neue Legitimationsquellen für Europa? Verbände in der europäischen Sozialpolitik“ in: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen, 2/2002, 253-74

Peer-reviewed online Working Papers

2014: “Debating Europe in National Parliaments: Justification and Political Polarization in Debates on the EU in Austria, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom”, OPAL Online Working Paper No. 17/2014

2012: “Debating the European Debt Crisis. Government Leadership, Party Ideology, and Supranational Integration as Focal Points of Parliamentary Debates in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom”, American Consortium on European Studies, ACES Working Paper 2012.3, Washington DC

2011: „The politicisation of European Treaty Reform. Public justification and party polarisation in debates about the revision of the EU Treaties in the Bundestag and the House of Commons“, Wissenschaftszentrum Berin, WZB Discussion Paper SP-IV 2012-301

Book Chapters

2018: “Europapolitik der dritten Regierung Merkel: Führungskonflikt und Expansion der parteipolitischen Debatte” in: T. Saalfeld/R. Zohlnhöfer (eds.): Zwischen Stillstand, Politikwandel und Krisenmanagement. Bilanz der Dritten Regierung Merkel, Springer, Berlin, 591-618

2017: “National Parliaments as Arenas of Public Debate and Contestation: Insights from the Eurozone Crisis”, in D. Jancic (ed.): National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis: Resilience or Resignation, Oxford University Press, 177-92

2016: “Employer and Labour Associations in the European Union”, in: R. Biermann/J. Koops (eds): Palgrave Handbook on Inter-Organizational Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 29, 611-27

2015: „Die Europapolitik der zweiten Regierung Merkel: zwei Betrachtungen zur transformativen Wirkung der Krise“ in: R. Zohlnhöfer/T. Saalfeld (eds): Politik im Schatten der Krise. Bilanz der zweiten Regierung Merkel (2009-2013), VS Springer, Berlin, 581-603

2011: „Neue Legitimationsquellen für Europa? Verbände in der europäischen Sozialpolitik“ in: S. Stetter/C. Masala/M. Karbowski (eds): Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält. Debatten zur Legitimität und Effektivität supranationalen Regierens, Nomos, Baden-Baden,157-80

2010:  „Pragmatismus, Führung und langsam erodierender Konsens. Eine Bilanz der Europapolitik der Großen Koalition“, in: R. Zohlnhöfer/C. Egle (eds): Die zweite Große Koalition. Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2005-2009, VS, Wiesbaden 528-48

2009 (with A. Ely, A. Stirling, M. Dreyer, O. Renn and E. Vos): „The Need for Change“ (Ch. 1) & „Overview of the General Framework“ (Ch. 2), in: M. Dreyer/O. Renn (eds): Food Safety Governance. Integrating Science, Precaution, and Public Involvement, Springer, Berlin, 11-46

2009 (with A. Ely, A. Stirling and E. Vos): „The Process of Framing“ (Ch. 3), in: M. Dreyer/O. Renn (eds): Food Safety Governance. Integrating Science, Precaution, and Public Involvement, Springer, Berlin, 47-56

2009 (with E. Vos): „Legal and Institutional Aspects of the General Framework“ (Ch. 6), in: M. Dreyer/O. Renn (eds): Food Safety Governance. Integrating Science, Precaution, and Public Involvement, Springer, Berlin, 83-110

2009 (with M. Dreyer, O. Renn, A. Ely, A. Stirling and E. Vos): „Summary: Key Features of the General Framework“, in: Dreyer, M./Renn, O. (eds): Food Safety Governance. Integrating Science, Precaution, and Public Involvement, Springer, Berlin, 159-66

2008: “The Public-Private Regulation of Food Safety through HACCP: What does it mean for the Governance Capacity of Public and Private Actors?”, in: Vos, Ellen (ed.): European Risk Governance: its Science, its Inclusiveness and its Effectiveness, Mannheim, 223-56

2007: „Die Agenda der EU-Kommission zur ‚Modernisierung des europäischen Sozialmodells’: Anmerkungen zur Entwicklung einer sozialpolitischen Leitidee“, in: R. Fischer/A. Karrass/S. Kröger (eds): Die Europäische Kommission und die Zukunft der EU. Ideenfabrik zwischen europäischem Auftrag und nationalen Interessen, B Budrich, Opladen, 231-50

2007: “La tensa transición a la democracia en México. Conflictos sin solucionar y la crisis de la confianza en las instituciones” in: A. Luengo (ed.): Entre la violencia y la reparación. Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre procesos de democratización en Iberoamérica, edition tranvia, Berlin, 52-75

2007 (with Ellen Vos): “Food Safety Regulation in the European Union”, in: E. Vos, /F. Wendler (eds), Food Safety Regulation in Europe, Intersentia, Antwerp, 65-138

2007: (with Kerstin Dressel et al.): “Food Safety Regulation in Germany”, in: E. Vos/F. Wendler (eds), Food Safety Regulation in Europe, Intersentia, Antwerp, 287-330.

Literature Reviews

2015: “Party Transformations in European Democracies by Andre Krouwel”, SUNY Press, in: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 53/1, 965-66

2011: „Mehr als ein Nebenschauplatz? Neue Beiträge zur Analyse der Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament“, in: integration 3/2011, 257-62