
I am a Senior Researcher in political science and Permanent Faculty Member (Privatdozent) of the Department for Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg (Germany).  Since 2020, I am also a member of the Center for Sustainable Society Research (CSS).

My current research interests focus on:

  • Climate Change Politics (EU and US);
  • EU Multi-Level Governance;
  • Comparative Politics (parties and parliaments);
  • Agenda-Setting and Framing;
  • Theories of the Policy Process.

In my previous research, I have worked on topics related to the Europeanization of parliaments and political discourse, EU-related politicization, German politics in the EU, food safety regulation and EU Social Policy. More about that here in my list of previous publications.

Since July 2023, I am working as the Lead for the research project financed by the German Science Foundation (DFG, grant number 441493451):

Political Spaces of Climate Change Governance

The basics and program of this project are described in a working paper published in the CSS WP Series, available here. A poster about the project in PDF format can be downloaded here.

Here are my profiles on Google Scholar, LinkedIn and ResearchGate (also embedded in the bottom of this page).

Here are some of my recent and forthcoming publications:

Book (2024): “Climate Agendas and Instability. Green Recovery Programs and Policy Change in the EU and US”; Routledge Focus in Comparative Politics, in press.

Article (2023): The European Green Deal Agenda After the Attack on Ukraine: Exogenous Shock Meets Policy‐Making Stability; in: Politics and Governance (included in forthcoming Special Issue: Governing the EU in the Polycrisis”), Open Access

Article (2023): (with Achim Hurrelmann): “How does politicisation affect the ratification of mixed EU trade agreements? The case of CETA”; Journal of European Public Policy, Special Issue: Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy. Guest Editors: Dirk De Bièvre, Andreas Dür and Scott Hamilton; https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2023.2202196, link here

Book (2022): “Framing Climate Change in the EU and US After the Paris Agreement”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 (for more information from the publisher website, click on the image above).

Working Paper (2022): “The Politicization of Climate Change Governance. Building Blocks for a Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda”, CSS Working Paper 06/2022, Link here

Article (2022): (with Achim Hurrelmann): “Discursive postfunctionalism: theorizing the interface between EU politicization and policy-making”, Journal of European Integration, published 3 March 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/07036337.2022.2045592; Link here

Article (2021): “Contesting the European Union in a Changing Climate: Policy narratives and the justification of supranational governance”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, published 9 February 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/14782804.2021.1882107; Link here

Below are links to some of my previous work (click on images to follow link):