Hamburg (c) Frank Wendler 2024


starting 1 July: Lead for the Research Project: “Political Spaces of Climate Governance” (funded by the German Science Foundation DFG; Module Temporary Positions, 36 months)


starting 1 May:  Lead for the Research Project: “Climate Change Policy as a Contest of Ideas” (funded by the German Science Foundation DFG; Module Temporary Positions, 36 Months)


Privatdozent (rough equivalent: Permanent Senior Faculty Member) for Political Science at the Department for Social Sciences; University of Hamburg, Germany

2018 / 2019

Interim Junior Professor for European Multi-Level Politics

Institute for Political Science

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Guest Researcher and Lecturer, sponsored by DAAD

Institute for Political Science and Center for Globalisation and Governance

University Hamburg (Germany)


Academic Leader

Brussels EU Summer Study Program

Co-ordinated by University of Denver, Colorado (USA)

2012 – 2017

DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor

Department for Political Science and Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies

University of Washington, Seattle (USA)

2007 – 2012

Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

Institute for Political Science

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

2011 – 2012

Guest Researcher

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin WZB (Social Science Research Center)

Research Group “Transnational Conflict and International Institutions” (Prof. Michael Zürn)

2005 – 2007

Postdoc Researcher (Onderzoeker)

Faculty of Law

University Maastricht (Netherlands)

Integrated Research Project: “Safe Foods” (WP 5, Prof. Ellen Vos), funded by EU 5th FP


Jury Member for EU West Coast Model Simulation, University of Washington (2014-16)

Member of selection committees for DAAD (EMGIP, Study Abroad Germany, 2014-16)

Supervisor for multiple theses and exams (BA, MA, Diplom, Magister, UW Honors Program)

Reviewer for +/- 10 journals in the field of political science / European Union Studies (including JEPP, WEP, JEI and JCMS)